Measure our carbon footprint


fill it :




  1. How ofen do you eat animal based products?
  2. How much of the food that you eat is unprocessed, unpackaget or locally grown?
  3. Which housing type best describes your home?
  4. What material is your hause constructed with?
  5. How many people live in your household?
  6. What is the size of your home?
  7. Do you have electricity in your home?
  8. How energy efficient  is your home?
  9. What percentage of your home’s electricity comes from renevable sources?
  10. Compared to your neighbors, how much trash do you generate?
  11. How far do you travel by car or motorcycle each week?
  12. What is the averange fuel economy of the vehicles you use most often?
  13. When you travel by car, how of ten do you carpool ?
  14. How far do you Ravel on public transportation each week?
  15. How many hours do youfly each year?

Posters of Digital Trail


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